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“Digitization is not a premium but an entry ticket to the game”


Only those companies that have adopted digitization in every aspect of their business and operations will be able to serve customers better.


Whether it is IOT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data Analytics, Auto Audits, Auto Quality Control measures or moving most of services to cloud to ensure maximum transparency is established between customers and our internal software and solutions, GP Supply Chain is always in the forefront of technology innovation & adoption.


We are in continuous pursuit of intelligent, integrated and interactive processes, which nullify repetitive and manual interventions. We have been continuously feeding legal, moral and quality control features in automated systems to minimize loss, damage, returns of all kinds of material as well as process deficiencies.


We not only believe but also continuously pursue to ensure all data are digitized and the same are visible at all levels to ensure 100 percent transparency for both internal teams as well as for customers.



The best competitive differentiation for any organisation is its human capital. Very well planned and magnificently launched products sometimes fail, as they may be ahead of time. Best of technology may become obsolete the next day morning on account of a better technology introduced by competitors.


Business environment can change, government policies may suddenly not be aligned to our core business and many other things may dramatically turn our advantage into disadvantage within no time.


But one aspect in any organisation that can never go wrong is if there are right people in right positions.


At GP Supply Chain, we take great joy to meet new people, feel the burning passion in them and nourish their dynamism with a collective vision of our team.


Our company directors encourage emotional fortitude among each and every leader to confront mediocrity in all levels of organisation. We as an organisation have committed a great deal of time and emotional energy in selecting, appraising, rewarding and developing people.


After numerous team discussions, arguments and internal polls, we were able to finally determine who should be our brand ambassadors, if brand GP Supply Chain has to last forever. It was decided unanimously that there is nobody else more apt than our own executives on field. Our delivery executives, pickup executives, loader and unloaders, drivers & bikers are our real stars.



GP Supply Chain makes the most of existing journeys to use as little fuel as possible, but while we massively reduce our carbon footprint through technology route matching, our vehicles still produce CO2 - Just like others.


Our ambition is for GP Supply Chain to be the greenest way to move on the planet, so we have developed 4 Acres, 150 km outside Bangalore, 40 Km near Mysore and 10 Km away from Nagarahole forest.


We continue to train our Drivers on best driving practices.
Emission tests are done 100% periodically.
Digital Route Mapping is done to deliver maximum cargo at minimum fuel spend.
In-house vehicle health supervisor personally appointed to monitor performance of vehicles on daily basis.​


Future Projects:
- Exploring electric vehicles viability
- Exploring to avoid duplication of process to save power bills.
- Setting up open space warehouses & Offices to reduce usage of Lighting & Air Conditioning equipment.


Recycling of packing materials & bags is an obsession at GP Supply Chain. A separate tracking module has been developed in software to track use and reuse the packing materials.​


For us at GP Supply Chain, business is in totality, is a larger vision for the well-being of the society.​

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