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  • Arms, simulation weapons, ammunition, controlled knives, and explosive articles.

  • Inflammable articles, explosive articles.

  • Oxidizing agents and peroxides.

  • Narcotic drugs and drug taking tools, stupefacient and psychoactive drugs that are in improper use and precursor chemicals and toxic substances that are in improper use.

  • Biochemical, epidemic and infectious materials.

  • Radioactive substances and radioactive substances.

  • Illegal counterfeit products such as counterfeit or altered currency, marketable securities, certificates, and official seals.

  • Currency and negotiable securities.

  • Articles that infringe intellectual property rights, and counterfeit and shoddy products.

  • Animals and plants, especially those endangered wild animals and plants as well as their products.

  • Food, drugs or other articles that are hazardous to human and animal health and may spread disease from infected area

  • Cigarettes and tobacco, tobacco products, and liquor.

  • Valuables (such as artworks, antiques, gems, and precious metals including gold).

  • Other articles prohibited from mailing under other laws and regulations.


In addition to the above prohibited or restricted articles, GP Supply Chain has the rights of rejecting or temporarily stopping moment of shipment for the following articles:


  • Packages without detailed contact information about the shipper and receiver.

  • Articles which are inappropriate for transporting with improper mailing mode, improperly described, classified, packaged, or labeled, and without necessary certificates as deemed by GP Supply Chain.

  • Articles which may endanger the safety of transportation vehicles or personal safety due to their own or package features as judged by GP Supply Chain.

  • Articles which are not suitable for mailing from the perspective of economics or operations as judged by GP Supply Chain.

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